Friday, February 25, 2011

A Messy House

I grew up in a VERY clean home. And I mean VERY clean. My parents are both fanatical when it comes to cleaning. Growing up I never really cared much about having a clean room. My mom always cleaned it for me and picked up after me. And I never understood why they cared so much about things being neat and orderly.

Then I moved out on my own...My mom was no longer there, picking up my dirty clothes, washing my dishes and dusting. Apparently my parents did in fact teach me something about cleaning, because I cleaned my dorm room EVERY week. I kept things picked up.

And then I got married. I suddenly realized the frustration my parents must have felt having to clean up after me and my siblings! I HATE clutter. It makes me crazy. My husband's idea of "cleaning up" was to make piles of everything. There were piles of books, papers, clothes, etc. I finally showed him how to go through each pile and decide if it was trash or something to keep, and then find a place where it belonged.

I realized that I didn't care about keeping things clean when someone else (my mom) had the responsibility of keeping it that way! When the responsibility was suddenly on me, I decided things DID need to be orderly.

My hubby adjusted quite well to OCD way of cleaning and organization. And then... we had KIDS. *SIGH* I try my hardest to keep things in order now. I can guarantee at least for the first few minutes after I clean the house it will stay that way. But, like most mothers have found out, it is impossible to have a spotless house when you have children.

I have resigned myself to the fact that I can do my very best to keep up with everything...but there will STILL be cheerios in the couch cushions, sippy cups in the play kitchen, and a living room floor covered with toys. And...I am okay with that.

P.S.- I clean my home from top to bottom when my parents come to visit. If there is any place I neglect to clean my dad WILL find it...the last time they came it was underneath my fridge!

My two little "mess makers"

1 comment:

  1. That is so adorable because it sounds like something I could have written myself!My parents are VERY VERY ocd neat freaks. I have no idea how my Mom did it! And everytime when my dad comes over if I have one dirty dish in the sink he has a comment for me like,"oh I see the maid is on vacation" lol And I relate with how I used to have the same strict cleaning in my house till along came Lillian! Its just not plausable to make our kids be so neat, they really need a change to be kids! Plus Ive decided my house isnt a museum it is a home! You are doing great
