The day finally came...where we said "goodbye" to our first home. When we first walked through that house, we immediately fell in love! We barely had enough furniture to fill all the rooms. Of course it wasn't long before we were painting the nursery and adding to our family:).
There are a lot of memories in that home. I remember the first week we were there, my sister-in-law and brother sent us a weeping willow tree to plant in the backyard. There was a drought that fall and it shortly died. Then there was the Sunday morning that I groggily awoke and saw something "scurry" into our closet...our first mouse! There was the day we brought Callie home from the hopsital. And I remember days and nights of being awake and walking "laps" through the house with a colicky baby.
I remember decorating the house for Christmas, and how everything had its place. When Trey would put Christmas lights on the outside of the house, and complain about it, EVERY year:). There was the Super Bowl Sunday night in 2008 where Callie first walked across our living room floor. I remember every birthday party we had there. All the rooms that I had Trey paint...haha. The many walks that we took as a family down our street and to downtown Princeton. The days and evenings that we sat on the front porch swing. Carving pumpkins in the dining room.
And most recently, I remember the day we brought Ashtyn home from the hospital. Her sleeping in her cradle in our bedroom. Then when she finally moved into the pistachio green "Winnie the Pooh" nursery, I would rock her to sleep in the glider next to her crib.
These are all things I love and miss about that home. But, there were plenty of things I won't miss about that house as well. The mice, the creepy attic, no closet space, the neighbor's dog poop all over our yard, tiny bathrooms, and a lot of floors to mop.
It seems that once you don't have something anymore you only remember the good things about it. That's not necessarily the case. It is just the realization that, that chapter of our life is offically done now. The house wasn't perfect by any means...but it was ours. Our first home.
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